B2B Hub-and-Spoke Sales Site

B2B Hub-and-Spoke Sales Site

Website Building Platform


Our client was looking to expand their selection of educational guides in the form of hub-and-spoke executions. They needed an editorial partner with experience scaling large editorial workflows, who could balance the rigor of SEO content with this client’s unique editorial voice, which strived to fluidly combine approachability with subject matter authority.


Following an exhaustive requirements-gathering process and the creation of a comprehensive B2B content marketing style guide, we assembled a team of editors and writers with extensive experience in the art of SEO-optimized content creation. We then designed turnkey editorial workflows to allow for research, reporting, stakeholder interviews, multiple layers of editing, and, finally, client review.


In just four months, our team was able to launch this project and produce nearly 50 individual articles, on subjects ranging from video marketing to hosting online classes, carefully formatted and SEO-optimized to maximize engagement and conversions. This editorial pipeline is now capable of producing dozens of articles each month, allowing our client to greatly expand top-of-funnel reach and convert new customers.

Let's Talk

Do you have a project that would benefit from a world-class team of data analysts, pop culture writers, and marketing strategists? We’d love to hear from you.

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