Video Game Editorial Strategy Building

Video Game Editorial Strategy Building

Cloud Gaming Platform


A cloud gaming platform with an already active entertainment blog approached Third Bridge Creative to develop an content strategy around a new vertical: video game editorial. They hoped to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the video game media landscape, their blog's potential place therein, and how they might bring new value to an already crowded field.


TBC gathered our in-house experts and also brought in luminaries from the video game media world—working content strategists with years of experience. We developed bespoke research prompts and each contributor turned in their own in-depth research paper and materials. We synthesized their discoveries and also held a series of open-floor summits on the topic.


We created a custom white paper breaking down audience and competition, and offered opportunities and considerations unique to the platform entering the editorial space. We included broad content pillars as well as a lengthy set of ready-to-use repeatable article and content formats.

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