Artist, Album, & Playlist Descriptions

Artist, Album, & Playlist Descriptions

Streaming Music Service


A major streaming music service sought to use original, custom music editorial as a key differentiator, providing music fans with contextual information on artists and albums in order to drive discovery, engagement, and, ultimately, retention. Given their global reach and bottomless catalog, the client needed an editorial partner who could provide a robust volume of copy on a steady cadence, while still upholding the service’s distinctive editorial voice and authority.


We built a team of highly respected music writers representing subject matter expertise across hundreds of different genres, including comprehensive international coverage. We've since developed custom workflows and tools for ingesting and distributing client assignments to our global workforce on a steady weekly cadence; each individual piece of writing is edited by both local and international editors to ensure accuracy and voice consistency at global scale.


Each week, we create multiple novels’ worth of copy covering practically every conceivable genre of music, ranging from catalog favorites to the latest trending artists around the world. All of this content is then localized for specific English-language markets.

Let's Talk

Do you have a project that would benefit from a world-class team of data analysts, pop culture writers, and marketing strategists? We’d love to hear from you.

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