Site-Based Experiential Curation

Site-Based Experiential Curation

Redwoods & Records


Redwoods & Records is a community of nature and music enthusiasts who provide hiking soundtracks for the redwood trails of Northern California. Ultimately, they hope that their curated experiences will create awareness, foster appreciation, and drive donations to organizations devoted to preserving these fragile ecosystems.


Third Bridge Creative developed a content strategy and curated playlists that were core to Redwoods & Records' offering. In order to scale this over more than 100 trails, we first created a taxonomy of trail types—old growth, steep inclines, etc.—along with situational variables: morning, sunny-day hikes, and so on. Next, we unleashed our music experts.


We built trail-specific playlists for dozens of trails throughout the region, and created a model for scaling this approach to trail systems around the US—and potentially even the world.

Let's Talk

Do you have a project that would benefit from a world-class team of data analysts, pop culture writers, and marketing strategists? We’d love to hear from you.

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